

株式会社峰村商店 features

A long-established miso storehouse founded in 1903. In 2014, the storehouse that has been passed down for generations was renovated and opened as a direct sales store. In addition to traditional fermented foods such as miso and pickles, we have also developed miso sweets such as miso caramel cheesecake. The "Miso Soft Serve Ice Cream", which is only available at direct sales stores, is exquisite.

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Information on 株式会社峰村商店

Number of staff 7persons

株式会社峰村商店 - operating hours

2-3-44 Akashi, Chuo Ward, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Year-end and New Year holidays

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