結や -MUSUBIYA- のギャラリー
結や -MUSUBIYA- のギャラリー
結や -MUSUBIYA- のギャラリー
結や -MUSUBIYA- のギャラリー
結や -MUSUBIYA- のギャラリー


結や -MUSUBIYA- features

The quiet flow of time, the pleasant sound of the wind, and the powerful voice of life. And the life of the islanders under the magnificent nature. Life in Tokunoshima is full of "abundance". The role of MUSUBIYA is to meet the islanders through various activities during your stay in Tokunoshima, experience the real island life, and help you to "connect" people to each other.

結や -MUSUBIYA- comments・reviews

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結や -MUSUBIYA- recommended points

A concierge for experiencing the nature and culture of Tokunoshima! !

The nature of Tokunoshima is an area where many traces of nature overlap, and many rare animals and plants live in the world. In addition, the lifestyle and culture of the islanders, who are closely influenced by nature, is one of the attractions of Tokunoshima. On the other hand, it is also true that feeling the true charm of Tokunoshima requires "luck" and is actually quite difficult. At Yuiya, we aim to be an "island concierge" that "connects" the relationship between "visitors" and "Tokunoshima".

Information on 結や -MUSUBIYA-

Insurance information (1) Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Accident insurance Death and residual disability ¥5 million Hospitalization ¥5,000/day Outpatient visit ¥3,000 (2) Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd. Liability insurance Limit of payment ¥100 million
License and Qualifications Completion of the Amami Archipelago Initial Stage Development Training Certified by the Japan Cycle Tourism Promotion Association as a cycling tour guide
Member organizations and associations Japan Cycle Tourism Promotion Association
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Completed advanced lifesaving course Certified cycling tour guide (Japan Cycle Tourism Promotion Association)

結や -MUSUBIYA- - operating hours

165 Shimokushi, Tokunoshima Town, Oshima District, Kagoshima Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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