
幸伸丸 features

The ship departs from Kinko Bay in Kagoshima. Please enjoy the Gomoku fishing experience.

幸伸丸 comments・reviews

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幸伸丸 recommended points

Beginners welcome! There is an empty-handed course!

There is also an empty-handed course where you can rent all fishing equipment such as fishing rods, so even beginners can come without worry!

Information on 幸伸丸

Authorization issued by Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Division
Insurance information Fishing boat insurance (interpersonal) 30 million yen per person

幸伸丸 - operating hours

4609-2 Hiramatsu, Aira City, Kagoshima Prefecture
Operating hours Summer 5:00-11:00 (night bus 18:00-24:00), Winter 6:00-12:00
Regular holidays New Year's Day 3 days

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