
株式会社武田工業所 features

Please leave the processing of large iron to us! We manufacture joints and attachments for construction machinery in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture. We will solve your problems with development and design of construction machinery peripherals and on-site capabilities (technologies such as large-scale machining, thick plate welding, painting, etc.).

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Information on 株式会社武田工業所

Member organizations and associations Ishikawa Iron Works Machinery and Electrical Association, Komatsu City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Komatsu Iron Works Equipment Cooperative Association, Small and Medium Enterprise Association, Ishikawa Employers Association

株式会社武田工業所 - operating hours

3 Tsukitsu-cho, Komatsu-shi
Operating hours 8:00-16:45
Regular holidays Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays

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