ドラスルカフェ のギャラリー
ドラスルカフェ のギャラリー
ドラスルカフェ のギャラリー
ドラスルカフェ のギャラリー


ドラスルカフェ features

A takeout specialty store that uses stylish paper containers with the motto of cuteness and SDGs. The high-class luxury gelato and freshly baked waffles with a fun texture of unsalted nuts and grain toppings are the size of a drink holder, so many drivers are happy that they can easily order them while driving. In addition, all the menus are made of paper that can be thrown away as they are, and they are easy to eat with one hand, but they also look great on Instagram.

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Information on ドラスルカフェ

Number of staff 4persons
Selling points regarding safety Since it is reserved for one group, it is safe even with children.

ドラスルカフェ - operating hours

5-18 Akebono-cho, Mibu-cho, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 30-16: 30
Regular holidays Open all year round (temporary closure, closed on Sundays during the winter season)

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