

有限会社丸井伊藤商店 features

・ Since its founding 100 years ago, it is a brewery rooted in the local community that manufactures Jiuqu-related products such as Shinshu miso, miso soup, and amazake, and pickles that are particular about the "taste of Kogo" in addition to traditional techniques.・ We are actively working on the development of products related to Jiuqu, which is called the "Jiuqu Project". The factory is a Shinshu miso tour factory, and more than 40,000 tourist buses and individual customers visit the factory every year. We are also actively holding events such as the making experience and, in recent years, the "Kura Matsuri" that will please the locals.・ There is a miso-loving god, Binbogami Shrine, in the warehouse. It is a fun shrine with a slightly unique way of worshiping. Please take a look.

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Information on 有限会社丸井伊藤商店

Insurance information Non-life insurance Japan Business activity comprehensive insurance 100 million yen
Member organizations and associations Shinshu Suwa Miso Association
Selling points regarding safety Our shop also manufactures and sells disinfectants. The inside of the factory is sprayed with disinfectant water to support corona.

有限会社丸井伊藤商店 - operating hours

4529 Miyagawa, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 30-17: 30
Regular holidays None

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