
新谷工芸 features

Dye cotton and silk cloth using natural dyes cultivated and collected from the nature of Noto. Not only plain colors but also rubber bands and disposable chopsticks are used to dye various squeezed patterns. From basic plant dyeing to specialized plant dyeing, we can offer classes according to your wishes. Please contact us from the basic introductory course to the creative course.

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Information on 新谷工芸

Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety For dyeing, use the gas stove and water used in the home kitchen. We have people from 5 to 6 years old to the elderly experience it.

新谷工芸 - operating hours

77-6 Ukagawa, Anamizu-cho, Hosu-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture
Operating hours 9: 00 ~ 18: 00
Regular holidays Monday

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