
株式会社四十萬谷本舗 features

Kanazawa is a city where samurai culture takes root in daily life. Our family has settled in Izumino, Kanazawa since Edo, and has been conducting business since 1875, and has inherited the culture of tradesmen (merchant). On the other hand, the influence of samurai culture, such as the marriage from the samurai family and the current head of the samurai family, is still alive in our lives. We hope that you will feel the fusion of samurai culture and tradesman culture.

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Information on 株式会社四十萬谷本舗

Insurance information Tokio Marine & Nichido / Comprehensive business activity insurance / 10 million yen

株式会社四十萬谷本舗 - operating hours

1-17-28 Yayoi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-17: 00

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