SOU + SHIBUYA(ソウプラス渋谷)

SOU + SHIBUYA(ソウプラス渋谷) features

"SOU + SHIBUYA" in a calm residential area. A body make-up studio with the concept of "working on the core in the shortest time". We provide efficient programs that incorporate Pilates, silk suspension, and unique body makeup methods. By controlling the body with attention to detail, you can get closer to a feminine and supple body line.

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Information on SOU + SHIBUYA(ソウプラス渋谷)

Number of staff 5persons
Number of instructors 4persons

SOU + SHIBUYA(ソウプラス渋谷) - operating hours

1-6-1 Shoto, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo B1
Operating hours 10: 00-21: 00
Regular holidays Sunday

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