
おもてなし山形株式会社 features

Established in 2017, it is a private company (DMC) responsible for creating tourism areas. In April 2019, it was registered as the first Japanese DMO as a corporation in Yamagata Prefecture. Aiming to build a new business model from each perspective while cooperating with various stakeholders as a steering wheel for creating a tourism region from the perspective of "tourist destination management" that fosters pride and attachment to the region I am.

おもてなし山形株式会社 handling plan list

おもてなし山形株式会社 comments・reviews

おもてなし山形株式会社 staff introduction

  • Ryuichi Nakayama(ナカヤマリュウイチ)

    I like Menma! I will do my best! !!

Information on おもてなし山形株式会社

Authorization issued by Yamagata Governor Registered Travel Business No. 2-295
License and Qualifications Domestic travel business handling manager
Member organizations and associations All Nippon Travel Agents Association regular member

おもてなし山形株式会社 - operating hours

2-4-3 Honcho, Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture

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