flowstyle のギャラリー
flowstyle のギャラリー


flowstyle features

Why don't you do SUP Yoga in a safe pool? SUP Yoga in the sea is a harsh environment for those who are not accustomed to rocks, obstacles, waves, etc.
Let's get used to the pool first, and then go to the partner beach!

flowstyle handling plan list

flowstyle comments・reviews

Information on flowstyle

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Since it is a lesson in the hotel, there is always a resident staff and it is safe.

flowstyle - operating hours

8-23-101 Konanchuodori, Konan-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
Operating hours 10: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays public holiday

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