ONEマリン のギャラリー
ONEマリン のギャラリー
ONEマリン のギャラリー


ONEマリン features

Enjoy the sea of ​​Tsuken Island in luxury. Tsuken Island in the central part of Okinawa. ONE Marine is located on this island where Okinawa's rich nature and beautiful sea interweave. In addition to marine activities, we offer services such as parties on luxury cruise ships and BBQs on beautiful beaches. We will create an extraordinary moment that can only be enjoyed here with a luxurious and luxurious marine experience that has never existed before.

ONEマリン handling plan list

ONEマリン comments・reviews

ONEマリン recommended points

Recommended for girls' trips, families and couples

◇◆ONE MARINE◆◇"Enjoy the luxury of the ocean in the central Okinawa area." ONE MARINE is located in the central Okinawa area, where the rich nature and beautiful ocean unique to Okinawa are interwoven. In addition to marine activities, we also offer parties on luxurious cruise ships and BBQs on beautiful beaches! We will create extraordinary moments that you can only experience here. Recommended for couples, girls' trips, and families. Let's take this opportunity to make memories!

ONEマリン - operating hours

533-8 Shimabuku, Kitanakagusuku Village, Nakagami District, Okinawa Prefecture

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