Atelier Alice のギャラリー
Atelier Alice のギャラリー
Atelier Alice のギャラリー
Atelier Alice のギャラリー
Atelier Alice のギャラリー

Atelier Alice


Atelier Alice features

We handle rough stones to jewelry class natural stones. Surrounded by many natural stones, you can experience making accessories while being healed ☆

Atelier Alice comments・reviews

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Atelier Alice recommended points

Pretty in-store charter ♪

The inside of the store can be reserved during the reserved time! You can slowly concentrate on stone selection and production ^^

Abundant variety of natural stone!

Shape, size, type etc ... We have a lot of things to get lost! Currently over 260 types!

Atelier Alice - operating hours

5-18-7 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo Diamond Building 1F
Operating hours 12:00 to 20:00

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