陶工房 倶夢巣多

陶工房 倶夢巣多 features

"Ceramic workshop Kusumu nodo (Kumuseita)" is a pottery art workshop in Kitakamakura. We are experiencing pottery experiences that anyone from elementary school students to adults can feel free to participate, with the desire to meet and deal with many people through ceramics.

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陶工房 倶夢巣多 recommended points

Polite and easy-to-understand guidance

Experienced instructors will provide easy-to-understand guidance for those who have never experienced ceramic art, those who have several experiences, and anyone.

From children to the elderly

We will proceed so that both small children (accompanied by adults) and elderly people can enjoy making pottery.

The charm of Kita Kamakura

Our pottery class is located in Kita-Kamakura, so you can enjoy a walk in Kamakura before and after the experience course.

陶工房 倶夢巣多 - operating hours

615-5 Kobukuroya, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Grace Kamakura 101
Operating hours 10:00 to 18:00
Regular holidays Saturday

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