Let's experience a hot air balloon in Saga

Let's experience a hot air balloon in Saga

The number of people who can experience hot air balloon at Saga!

In order to experience Hot Air Balloons in Saga, there may be images that you can not ride unless you book with a group of large numbers, but you can join alone. There are a lot of people to participate by themselves, so do not hesitate to make a reservation or sign up with ease. As the guide is with you, you can enjoy walking in the sky without anxiousness alone. Over four people or more will experience a flight aboard the basket. I think that it is uneasy to join alone if you are a beginner, so it is recommended that you join in with friends and family. If you can ride at least once, you want to teach everyone the splendor, and there are many people who enjoy riding with friends and family for the second time.

Time to fly hot air balloon in Saga!

The flight time is about 5 minutes in most plans. In Saga, it is mainstream mooring flight that keeps the altitude beyond a certain level by rope connecting ground and hot air balloon, the flight range is fixed. Because you can fly safely, even children and elderly people can enjoy a walk in the sky. You can not do free flight freely walking in the sky. In Saga, a flight schedule as a commercial project is prohibited so you will experience mooring flight. A walk in the sky of about 5 m to 30 m above the ground is enough to enjoy a superb view and a sense of floating. Perhaps you can think of what you can experience in just 5 minutes, but it will be a valuable 5 minutes you have never experienced everyday.

Price that you can experience hot air balloon at Saga!

Because moored flying, the price is affordable and affordable. There are many plans in Saga that can ride a hot air balloon by elementary school students and around 500 yen per person. Because it is 500 yen, you can feel free to apply without much attention. There are also places where you can make phone and Internet reservations, so if you have a chance to go to Saga, I think that there is no loss to apply. There are limited places where you can experience taking a hot air balloon so it is good to experience as a memento of a trip that you can enjoy alone. If friends and family are together, it will be different and fun memories. Both enjoyable memories and valuable experiences can be tasted by the hot air balloon's real pleasure.

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