Let's consider personal possession by knowing one price of hot air balloon

Let's consider personal possession by knowing one price of hot air balloon

What is the price of a hot air balloon?

The balloon that flies high in the sky is very beautiful and is familiar as a motif for calendars and posters. I want to ride a balloon! If possible, I would like to purchase it and fly freely in the sky! Some people may think that. How much does one hot-air balloon cost? There are brands and manufacturers of various countries for hot-air balloons, and there are types for competition and sightseeing, but the approximate price is about 2 million yen. The price of a hot-air balloon that can accommodate a large number of people is even higher, but if you think that you can buy a balloon for the price of one private car, you can say that it is not a very expensive purchase.

There are also many people who own balloons

The characteristic of these hot-air balloons is that many people actually own them. Hot-air balloons are heavier and heavier than the same sky sports paragliders and motor paragliders, so some people team up with friends and own them as a team, but some own them individually and their own. In many cases, they are flying at a pace. Hot-air balloons can fly freely in designated areas as free flights, and races and small-scale competitions are held during the season, so many people participate in such competitions and enjoy Sky. It's a sport. A hot-air balloon drifting in the wind in the sky allows you to experience a refreshment away from the everyday world.

Pilot license is required to control the balloon

An increasing number of people want to go one step further and fly a balloon from the desire to ride a balloon. The balloon has no handles or brakes. There is only a gas burner, and by operating this gas burner to heat the air in the balloon, the altitude is raised and lowered to ride the wind. You need a license to become such a pilot. You can get a license as a balloon pilot if you get an instructor, train to become a pilot a fixed number of times, take a pilot exam and pass it. With a license, you can even take a free flight with friends and family or take part in a race when you want to fly.

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